
Saturday, 17 July 2010

SN's review of Salem in Nyköping

(Sorry this is late but I've been out and about today!)

Södermanlands Nyheter has a review of Salem's show at Skeppsbron 11 in Nyköping on Thursday. It's an extremely positive review by Olle Söderström, in which he makes the point that Salem's music sounds as good in a small, packed, sweaty club as in a more formal concert hall. In the reviewer's words: Salem fits everywhere.

(Eva, or anyone who was there - what time did the show start and finish? I thought it might have started late?)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi! I think it started close to midnight and ended around 1 am ... not sure of the exact time though, as I forgot to check my watch :)

The gig was amazing and a new kind of experience; it had that true "dark-rock-club-basement"-feel to it... the stage was tiny and we were so close that we were basically at his feet (both literally and figuratively speaking! :) I've written a bit about it in a post on FB (in Swedish), maybe you've seen it? but I'll get back to you in English soon with some more impressions ... :)